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Saturday 3 November 2012


  1. LIMITATION IN COMMUNICATION: When teenager use hand phone only for self-satisfaction,that mean they are not creating communication with people.For example, when they record their voices but only keep it for them self and did not share it with other people actually make to not communicating with other people.The impact shows when teenager doesn't communicate much but only use hand phone for them self.This make them less talk to other people.
  2. CREATING INDIVIDUALIZATION: Devices such as hand phone are very famous and well-known by teenagers.From old version of hand phone until now the smart phone! As it been sophisticated from day to day,teenagers tend to live solitary and don't want to communicate with other people.They become individualism, like to be alone and keep busying them self with the technology for example the non communication technique in hand phone.Its making their life more solitary by narrowing the variety of personalities encountered in daily life.
  3. RADIATION DANGER: Always use hand phone especially taking picture,make video mean they exposed to radiation.A recent Swedish study saw a 400 percent increase in risk to radiation exposure for teenage and child cell phone users compared to non-users, according to an international collaborative group of activists.ABC News reported that the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., has compiled a list of the 1,000 highest radiation emitting phones. The top three are the Samsung Impression, Motorola Razr V8, and the Samung SGH-t229.Always use hand phone also not good to teenagers.For example, teenager who always taking picture it can give radiation to their eyes such as cataract,cancer and lesions.
  4. NO CONNECTION TO THE WORLD. Teenagers who use non communication technique by hand phone tend to less share thing they like to other people.This actually give them no connection to what happen around them.Not sharing and communicating make them left far behind and don't know latest news around them.This is because they live their own world and did not want to connect to other people and less information they get.


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